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O’Quinn a sensible pick

The upcoming primary elections are important for the future of our state. That’s why I’m supporting Shelly O’Quinn for the 6th District State Legislative seat. She’s a proud Republican who brings solid values, studied judgment and a younger person’s energy to inspire citizens to work for common sense in government for Eastern Washington. Shelly was executive director for my charitable foundation to help young adults get a better civics education. I know her work ethic – it is strong, and she is honorable.

She’s a sensible conservative who has run a clean campaign. She’s called on over 13,000 households in District 6. Shelly represents the next generation of conservative Republican leaders, one who is not dogmatic, narrow-minded nor egotistical, but thoughtful, dignified and principled. She knows how government works and wants simply to serve the people of the 6th District by using her experience and education to make sound legislative choices for our region. As a legislator, she will never embarrass her constituents.

Shelly O’Quinn is the kind of leader needed in state government. Please vote for her.

George Nethercutt Jr.


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