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Needy children’s awe inspires

Every year bell-ringers with red kettles show up in front of stores. I dread it. I try to admire those doing a seemingly mind-numbing job; then I get annoyed that guilt overcomes me when I pass by without donating.

This past Saturday a child captured my heart for two hours and left an indelible impression, in part because of those very bell-ringers. The Salvation Army and JC Penney provided each of approximately 200 young, needy children with $120 to shop for the basic clothing they lacked.

When we started, one boy said in awe, “Look at that!” He’d never seen an escalator. One girl needed pants. Her only pair was ripped, not for fashion but from wear. Another boy wanted a dress shirt and tie. He looked at his dapper reflection and said, “I can wear this for Christmas and to court.” One chaperone told her child she was a CPA and asked if the girl knew what that was. “Child Protection Agency?” the girl speculated.

That day each child left like a jolly Santa toting a bag filled with treasures. I left knowing I’d now contribute more to those kettles.

Anna Henry

Liberty Lake

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