Children grow, duty continues
The Cheney School District construction bond needs all of our support. Since we no longer have children in school, someone might ask why this is our problem. Why would we support a levy? We support the levy because public schools helped when we needed help. They gave us the chance to succeed.
They did the same for our children. As a matter of simple gratitude we owe the same support to children in the schools today. From a narrower perspective, strong schools and successful students are in our self-interest as they will shape the world in which we live the rest of our lives. The suggestion that the state provides enough funding and that local support is not necessary is simply wrong.
The state supplies a base, but reliance on that support alone will leave a much-diminished educational system. Schools need local support. Moreover, if we expect to have local control, the ability to shape our schools to fit our communities, we have the responsibility to provide local support for our schools.
Let’s make certain to vote and to vote in favor of the Cheney School District construction bond.
Niel and Judy Zimmerman