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Leaving mediocrity behind

When one speaks of the county assessor in Spokane County who is a principled individual, is honest and is sincere about performing his duties as a public official, it is clearly Ralph Baker.

Mr. Baker didn’t rise to the level of public office by being a sleazy politician making snide remarks about people.

Ralph Baker told the citizens what he wanted to do, what he thought he could do, and went ahead and did it, understanding that he is limited to some degree by the amount of resources and support he gets from the Board of County Commissioners.

He brought the assessor’s office from one of mediocrity to one of the most modern that you will find in the state of Washington.

Ralph Baker has a master of business degree from the University of Northern Colorado. He served 24 years in the Air Force, retiring as lieutenant colonel. Ralph has extensive experience in the supervision of personnel and as a financial adviser.

Not one other candidate can measure up to the professional you now have as your county assessor. Ralph Baker should be retained and allowed to continue to serve the citizens of Spokane County.

George Britton


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