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Cite bikers, boarders

The Spokesman-Review

Driving while using a non-hands-free cell phone is now a primary offense – worthy of being pulled over and fined heavily for endangering those you share the road with.

Well, while we’re at it, what about those that use cell phones while biking on our downtown streets? After all, bicyclists as well as motorists are obliged to follow the Washington vehicle codes. And what about those who skateboard north down the Washington Street hill in front of traffic while texting – and other such stunts?

On the very day the primary offense status kicked in, I was near Lewis and Clark High School and had to brake for a pedestrian who stepped out in front of me in the middle of the block, with nary a look and with his head up to his cell phone.

A little more common courtesy toward fellow citizens would go a long way in this town. In the meantime, pull ’em over, Ozzie!

Joe Booth


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