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Business credentials dubious

The Spokesman-Review

We all know the role of accurate reporting in ensuring an informed electorate to sustain our great democracy. That’s why Jim Camden’s recent report on candidate announcements in the 6th District Senate race caused me some concern.

In the article, he referred to Republican challenger Michael Baumgartner as “a local businessman.” While he may have been quoting directly from the candidate’s press release, the fact is that Mr. Baumgartner is neither local nor a businessman. Public documents indicate he recently moved here from Florida and has never voted in the 6th District.

As for his business credentials, I am not aware he has ever owned a licensed business here, or been employed by a Spokane employer. Federal documents indicate he is employed by Civilian Police International, a Department of Defense contractor headquartered in the Cayman Islands, a corporate tax haven.

As a 25-year Spokane resident, and the former owner of a large, successful local business, Sen. Chris Marr fits that description more accurately. Chris and I have both served as chairs of the Greater Spokane Chamber of Commerce, and he has now successfully taken his business and civic leadership experience to the state level. He deserves our support.

Don Barbieri


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