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Open door big mistake

The Spokesman-Review

In Saturday’s paper, March 13, Cameron Cubberley’s and James Nelson’s letters spoke to my heart. Then I read the article in the American Profile section, titled “Return to Ellis Island,” and it all came together for me.

The immigrants who entered our country between 1892 and 1954 had something to offer to America. They were able-bodied, willing to work and required to learn our language, or they were returned to their country of origin. Those are the people that have made a difference here in our country today.

Our government has enabled foreigners to come here with no skills, nothing to enhance our country. They are handed a coupon, giving them free medical/education, etc., so why wouldn’t they take advantage of our country? Because they can. Our government has enabled them to do so. Such a disgrace.

Sharon Mather


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