Help suffering vets promptly
One in eight soldiers suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder when they return home from the war, and less than 20 percent of soldiers who suffer from this seek help.
I personally come from a family with many in the military, and some of them suffer from PTSD the first two months of returning home from either Iraq or Afghanistan. Recently, while reading an article in one of my classes about PTSD in soldiers, I have come to find out that some people believe in having a separate court for soldiers who do hurtful things to others. I personally think that we should have the same court whether they suffer from that disease or not.
Although it is something they cannot control, they can get help, but most choose not to in fear of losing their job or the way that people will treat them if they are diagnosed with it. They are soldiers who fight for our freedom, but when they are involved in criminal issues they should be treated the same.
PTSD is very serious and should be treated as soon as the symptoms occur. Otherwise someone can get seriously injured.
Bailey Riley