The enemies within
I’m responding to a letter sent to your paper by a lieutenant colonel (“Battlefield, cubicle not alike,” March 26). Did I understand him correctly in saying servicemen and -women should be given a pass on retirement and health care cuts in the land where all men and women are equal?
I, too, was in the military. I took an oath to defend this country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Those enemies (in my opinion) are the banks, Wall Street and those corporations who have outsourced the jobs that allowed the USA to have a middle class and offer people the chance to dream.
The rich hate the USA because it once offered this chance, and if the rich can’t control it, then it must be destroyed.
I would hope this lieutenant colonel realizes that if you’re not making the rich money then you must also be destroyed. I caution everyone to confirm all information with at least two independent groups – three if one is “lying Fox News” – before our country’s next election.
Douglas A. Hutchins
Newport, Wash.