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Gun views trigger reaction

J.R. Labbe states in her Feb. 10 column on gun rights that she can just hear people calling her paranoid, NRA apologist and crazy. Right on, J.R., all of the above.

Some of her comments were just jaw-droppers. I had no idea we can take our kids to school without body armor and a bulletproof shield because most gun owners are responsible, law-abiding citizens. Wow! Here all this time I thought it was because we lived in a society that valued civil order and was ruled by law.

Hey, J.R., I’ve lived in a culture ruled by the guy with the biggest gun. I guess you Texans would love that. I didn’t like it much, but lots of adventure, I can tell you that.

Oh, and I didn’t know that the police were to keep the “peace,” not protect individual citizens. Gee, what are they doing all day, calming down the food riots downtown?

The police have always responded very well when I “individually” have needed them. Maybe they knew I didn’t have an Uzi for my own protection so they gave me special attention. So, belatedly, thanks, local police.

Jim Becker


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