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Family planning essential

Jan. 10 marked the first day of the 2011 legislative session. It’s no exaggeration to say that our quality of life in Washington is at stake. Legislators have to figure out how to balance the budget without completely dismantling the essential services that keep our communities stable and thriving.

One program that must be protected in the budget is family planning, which promotes sustainable and healthy communities. Women, children and families all benefit when pregnancies are planned, and so does our state budget. For every dollar invested in family planning, we save $4.39 in costs associated with unintended pregnancies.

If family planning is cut, where is the state going to find the money to pay for the higher costs associated with unintended pregnancies? And how is it going to support the people whose futures depend on these basic health services? Please urge your legislators to save family planning funding.

Aaron Weidert


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