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Rights for rivers wrong

Want your property taxes to keep going up? Lindsey Schromen-Warwin (Letters, June 12) misstates the issue regarding this so-called Community Bill of Rights.

All workers in private workplaces have the right to collective bargaining under federal law. Workers who work for the public and supported by tax dollars do not necessarily. Public workers earn more than the average taxpayer and their pensions are 300 to 400 percent more with fewer years to work. What makes a fireman worth $100,000 per year? The job has never been in the top 15 most dangerous jobs. They retire in 20 years at huge pensions. The entire public sector is bloated, and we struggling taxpayers pay for it.

This is so silly that they claim that a river has rights. People have rights. In what universe do these people live? Why don’t they publish the professions and work experience for the named “board” members? Fear?

Their fourth “right” is nonsense. Read it. If a corporation does something legally wrong they can be prosecuted. A 100-year-old Supreme Court decision states that corporations are legally “persons,” which does not mean that they have two arms and two feet. This is truly the “mouse that roared.”

Jack Thompson


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