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Grab that shovel, neighbor

Tonight my teenage son and I cleared several blocks of sidewalks so that the schoolchildren will be able to walk to school in safety tomorrow. So many times I see the children walking in the road due to snow-covered sidewalks. It breaks my heart to see this.

We have always cleared in front of our home and that of our elderly neighbors. I used to sit in my house and wonder if the rest of my street was full of lazy people or maybe they are all elderly or infirm. Then it dawned on me, I could do more.

Tonight we decided that we were going to do more. Yes, it was cold. Yes, it was a little strenuous. But mostly it was gratifying to know that we improved the safety of our neighborhood.

The law states that you need to make sure your sidewalk is clear. My conscience tells me that I need to do more than my sidewalk. I hope that one or two people read this and decide that they can do more also.

Karen Burgard

Spokane Valley

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