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Transit plan end of the line

From “Getting There” (March 21), STA officials and Spokane Mayor Mary Verner are about to present a new downtown traffic alternative. STA officials claim to be planning for the future while living within their means.

The city of Spokane could possibly get federal funding for new transit projects. Any new transit project would most likely be funded by an increase in sales tax while any property owner who would benefit from traffic along the line would be asked to contribute through property taxes.

The new system would likely be trackless trolleys at a cost of $6 million to $9 million per mile. The system would run from Browne’s Addition to Gonzaga University along Sprague; Pacific or First Avenue; Riverside Avenue or Spokane Falls Boulevard. While these routes cover the downtown businesses, the people must still get downtown to board the trolleys. That means just as many cars to be driven into the downtown corridor and just as many drivers looking for a place to park their cars.

Do we really need an electric trolley system causing an increase in sales taxes and property taxes?

Len Champion


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