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Tsunami debris approaching

With the upcoming presidential election, people are asking the candidates what they would do about jobs, the economy and the environment. No one is asking the question about the looming disaster floating in the Pacific Ocean. I’m talking about the Japanese tsunami debris.

Do an Internet search and you can see a picture of it. It is 2,000 miles long and 1,000 miles wide and full of refrigerators, cars, trucks, furniture, houses, boats, animals, people and who knows what else. It is toxic, deadly and headed directly for the west coast of America.

It is only 1,100 miles from Seattle to Los Angeles, so the entire West Coast is at risk. It was expected to pass Hawaii by 2013 and reach the West Coast by 2014, but lately it has picked up speed. It has the potential to disrupt all shipping on the West Coast. No one is asking the candidates what they would do about this coming catastrophe. Maybe someone should.

Max Tuggle

Coeur d’Alene

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