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Can’t see Prop. 1 passing

Having read the Community Bill of Rights flier, I think the driving organization needs a name change such as No-Vision, Revisionist, Tunnel Vision, Double Vision, Blurred Vision, Pie-in-the-Sky Vision or Dimvision (thanks, Doug Clark).

The flier states “Envision a vibrant Spokane.” Reality dose to those who have drunk the Kool-Aid or are about to: Spokane’s vibrancy will cease with all the lawsuits that will come in order to clarify the extremely vague language of this worthless bill. Do you want your tax dollars paying for city attorneys’ time and effort in court? I’d rather see another potholed road fixed, personally.

Vibrancy? Business will leave the city in a hurry for a more friendly place to do business, and with businesses leaving Spokane, what do you think that will do to your personal taxes to make up for the loss of taxes such businesses now pay?

Proposition 1 (Community Bill of Rights) is bad policy and bad for Spokane jobs. Let’s do better than two years ago, when Envision was defeated by 75 percent of voters, and vote this skunk of a bill down 100 percent.

Alene Lindstrand


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