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Baxter knows business

What’s the difference between the two Republicans running for the state Senate in District 4? Both are said to be conservatives. Both support the “no new taxes” pledge. One is a retired lawyer and former legislator; the other a small businessman who owns and operates Bancard Systems Northwest and Northwest Leasing Systems, which sets up credit card processing systems for businesses.

At the special 4th District meeting to replace Sen. Bob McCaslin, who retired for health reasons, the elected delegates voted 40 to 23 for Baxter over Padden. Baxter’s name was then on the list of three nominees submitted to the Spokane County commissioners, who chose Baxter to fill the vacancy.

Elected delegates know who has been supporting the party and who has been doing all the volunteer work, which is why they supported Baxter. Following his retirement, Padden has not been seen at any conservative meetings or supported any Republican activities. He seemed content to enjoy his two retirement pensions: one for the Legislature and one as District Court judge.

Baxter knows the problems small businesses are having with government. He deals with them every day. We need another businessman in Olympia representing us, not another lawyer.

Vote Jeff Baxter.

Barbara F. Green

Liberty Lake

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