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Honor commitments

The Department of Defense is considering overhauling the military retirement system and increasing out-of-pocket TRICARE medical costs to veterans and retired military and instead offering a 401k and medical vouchers.

The Republican House majority leader has stated that with regard to Medicare, “… promises have been made that frankly are not going to be kept for many. …”

Politicians and pundits are now comparing military service to employment in the private or public sector in order to justify the changes in military retirement benefits. What nonsense! With the exception of the police and fire, what private or public employees regularly put themselves in harm’s way or experience extended family separations as a condition of employment?

I am a Vietnam and Gulf war veteran. I served out of patriotism and the guaranteed retirement benefits. Should I or other Americans be expected to serve in the military, when our government is willing to break its contractual obligations whenever it’s politically convenient?

The wealthy and powerful elite, most of whom have never sacrificed for their country, have always profited from the sacrifices made by those of us who do. It is time to contact your federal representatives and tell them to honor their commitments.

James C. Lanham


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