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Do not sell Camp Easton

I agree with David Townsend (Letters, Aug. 21) that Camp Easton should not be for sale. I think any Scout looking for an Eagle Scout project should consider starting a campaign to save the camp and solving the safety issue regarding the road. Of course that safety issue is just being used as an excuse to sell the property.

Thirty-some years ago when I last attended the camp it was said that if the Spokane council ever got their hands on that prize they would try to sell it. So now they have it and yes that is exactly what they want to do.

Until such time that the Boy Scouts do everything in a virtual world and never go outside for the real thing, then and only then should they think about selling that historic property.

So I urge everyone who has gone to Camp Easton to remember it was there for you and should always be there for our children and their children, and to make your voice heard.

Larry Spurgeon

Spokane Valley

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