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Thanks to Avista official

Much has been written and said, and rightly so, about the many fine contributions retiring Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown has made to the greater Spokane community. Another prominent supporter of the greater good for the Spokane community, as well as Eastern Washington and North Idaho, has also stepped away from the scene but, as has been his hallmark all along, he chose to quietly fade into the background, retiring Aug. 1 after 33 years.

I am speaking of Tom Paine, who for many years quietly guided the government affairs programs of Avista. During his tenure, the company has been led by some outstanding community-oriented executives, from the late Wendell Satre to current Chief Executive Officer Scott Morris, all of whom relied on the insight and advice of Tom, both in direction and implementation of policies and programs that have helped to make the greater Spokane community as well as all parts of Avista’s service areas better places in which to live and raise families.

I am but one of many who want to say thank you for a job well done.

Chris Carlson

Medimont, Idaho

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