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Plan for Alzheimer’s

The letter in the Jan. 13 Spokesman-Review started an intense conversation between my husband and myself. We have both experienced close family members dying from Alzheimer’s after living with the disease for a long time. We both have advance directives and long-term care insurance. However, neither of us wants to live with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. Neither of us feels that quantity of life is more important than quality of life.

But it is unrealistic to expect relatives to decide when to let someone go. It is up to individuals to decide while they are still able to do so. I had a neuropsychology class in which the teacher related a story about a man who was told he had Alzheimer’s. I asked what happened to him as a result of being given that diagnosis. The teacher said the man had forgotten about it less than 10 minutes later.

We need to decide on a course of action before we are that far gone. Harry Merrick’s letter suggested a legal document that people could sign while they are still “solid in mind and body.”

Good idea. It would help individuals and families manage the expense of caring for Alzheimer’s patients.

Candy Frankel


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