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Police apology needed

Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich showed great public relations in thanking the citizens of Spokane for helping two heroic officers shot by Charles Wallace. I believe a similar heartfelt statement from the Spokane police, specifically to the “citizens of Spokane,” could give closure to the Otto Zehm tragedy.

Are we to believe the Zehm tragedy will mark a change in the culture of Spokane police when, on Nov. 4, 2011, in a federal courtroom, 50 officers boorishly saluted a comrade convicted of using excessive force? As former prosecutor James Sweetser wrote, “leaders must put citizens’ interest in truth and justice ahead of the city’s financial interests …” (“Learn lessons of Zehm,” June 12).

Former Mayor Mary Verner and police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick deemed the salute “insensitive toward the friends and family of Otto Zehm.” They failed to mention how insulting it was to the citizens of Spokane, and the nation where the story “Cops estranged from community” went viral.

Former Seattle police Chief Norm Stamper said the officers should have been fired! Mayor David Condon, you did a wonderful job apologizing to Ann Zehm, Otto’s mother. Secure a complete apology from the 50 officers.

Mike Kraft


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