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Support Dellwo, Snyder

When my primary ballot arrived, I realized I knew very little about the statewide races. Luckily,, our state station, has a video interview of candidates in the statewide races that is very helpful.

Locally, I am supporting Denny Dellwo in the 6th Legislative District (he represented us well in the 3rd District), and Jon Snyder for the House of Representatives in the 3rd. We need legislators who have worked in the real world. Jon is a small businessman and father of two school-age children. He studies and knows legislation well when it’s time for a vote. His leadership on difficult issues with Spokane City Council, yet willingness to go it alone if necessary, is invaluable in Olympia. Jon will make decisions based on principle, not party. Join me in voting Jon Snyder, 3rd District, House.

Louise Chadez


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(509) 459-3815

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