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Cowan is the healthy choice

I am a local health care provider and I work every day with our seniors and baby boomers. I witness firsthand the value of the Medicare services they worked a lifetime to earn. If you’ve ever had experience with Medicare Part D, you would realize that privatization costs everyday citizens more and provides them with less.

It is time to put aside political partisanship and vote for what’s best for our country and the everyday person, not the special 1 percent who do not need Medicare. For this, and countless other reasons, it is time to fire Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers. I am disgusted that she is allowed to continually lie to us, not only about her false support for Medicare, but regarding multiple other issues as well.

I will vote for those who I see every day who desperately need Medicare and the services they were promised. I will vote for integrity, and I will vote for Rich Cowan.

Yvette Goot

Chewelah, Wash.

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(509) 459-3815

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