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U.S. turning cold

This letter is to tell Avista Corp. Chairman Scott Morris how I feel about his unrealistic electric rates that keep rising. I am a widow, 80 years old and mad as hell, and I’m not going to take it anymore without my voice being heard! I am disgusted and complaining on behalf of all people on disability or fixed incomes.

He sits up there in his ivory tower collecting a salary and perks in the six figures, along with all his cronies, while we seniors on fixed incomes wonder where the next dollar is coming from to pay for our very high electric bills.

I don’t cook much or bake; I use my toaster oven or my microwave. I don’t use my dishwasher, I wash clothes once or twice a week, shower every day for five to eight minutes, and I have my water heater set at 120 degrees. I keep my heat on 65 degrees at night and 67 to 69 during the day. I’m freezing my derriere off!

I heat only my kitchen and living room. I also use those darn energy-saving light bulbs that I can’t even read by. My electric bill was $192 last month, so will you please tell me where else I can save?

I am so sick of the greedy people everywhere who try to scam us senior citizens and treat everyone like peasants having to bow to the great feudal lords. This seems to be the direction that his company (which is a monopoly) and other corporations are taking this country.

In all my 80 years living through the Depression, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Iraq War, Afghanistan War (did I miss any wars?), I have never seen this country in such pathetic shape. It has become the United States of Greed.

Meanwhile, we’ll keep trying to tighten our belts so we can eat and pay our bills.

Norma Sappington

Spokane Valley

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