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The Slice: Much at steak in this debate

Let’s start with a true or false.

No four people in modern times have ever agreed on the definition of “medium rare.”

One reader’s request: “Let’s reserve the word ‘awesome’ for something that truly is so utterly amazing, stupendous, or miraculous that there are no words to describe it,” wrote Elaine Bartlett.

Carl Eklund’s proposed man candle scent: “Hoppe’s No. 9 gun oil.”

Speaking of man candles (re: Friday’s Slice): “I have a candle making business (Bungalow Craftworks),” wrote Tori Bailey, of Spokane. “A couple of years ago my graphics design guy came up with the ‘brilliant’ idea of ‘Mandles.’ He wanted scents like grass, beer, bacon and jokingly suggested fart. Thankfully, we soon discovered that someone back East already has that name.”

Mandles, that is. Not fart.

Today’s asparagus story: No, not that kind of asparagus story.

Years ago, Barry Bauchwitz and his wife were traveling in Europe when they stopped in a little town in Switzerland. Upon visiting a restaurant they learned that an asparagus festival was under way. So they ordered several of the asparagus-themed offerings. “After all, it was all locally grown produce, so we thought,” he wrote.

Later he saw an asparagus crate peeking out from a nearby dumpster. Upon closer inspection, Bauchwitz saw that the crate had come from Salinas, Calif. “So much for local fare.”

Re: The Slice Blog’s Steve Garvey local paternity speculation: A North Idaho reader who lived in Southern California during the baseball player’s post-Spokane career down there recalled a certain T-shirt. It became popular after news of Garvey’s reproductive antics became public. It featured the player’s face on George Washington’s head and read “Father of our country.”

Slice reader Sherry Hutchison assesses life in 2012: “Narcissism is way too far out of the closet.”

Today’s Slice question: Do war movies inevitably do viewers a disservice by suggesting that, sitting there in a theater or in your living room, you can comprehend the incomprehensible?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Some people leave their outdoor Christmas lights up all year.

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