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The Slice: ‘It’s steamy if it’s done’

Here are some last-minute tips on preparing a Thanksgiving dinner.

They are served up courtesy of Spokane Valley’s Connie King. She watches a bunch of kids both before and after school. And she recently asked them how to cook a Thanksgiving turkey.

Here are a few snippets of their answers.

“You can get a turkey at the Trading Company over in the freezer place. Get a two or three pound one for five dollars.” – Elijah, 9

Well, maybe leftovers are overrated.

“Take off the feathers and head and feet. Take out the bones. Wash it off with a sponge. Put it in the crockpot on high.” – Jayden, 9

Hadn’t really thought about turkey feet until now.

“Put it in the microwave on 25 degrees for six minutes. Open the microwave and check it. It’s steamy if it’s done. Put a mitten on. It doesn’t matter what color.” – Marcus, 6

Does the mitten go on the bird?

“Put this thing in it that shows how many degrees it is. Check it.” – Alyjouah, 11

If you neglect to check it, you’re really missing the whole point.

“Put it in the oven at 365 degrees and cook it for an hour or so.” – Sam, 12

That way you avoid the risk of the bird getting overdone.

“Probably cider to drink and probably not dessert because there’s already enough other food.” – Riley, 9

That kid is going to hear from the pie police.

“Wash it off with water in the sink, dry it with a towel, then you take the wrapping off.” – Tyreek, 8

Then what? Rinse and repeat?

“Beans for dessert.” – Aidan, 3

Those must be some pretty fabulous beans.

“When your family is ready to eat, cut some off for them.” – Ashley, 10

Now we’re talking.

“Cut it with a knife and put it on a brown plate.” – Naomi, 7

She didn’t specify why it has to be brown.

“You want it not too burnt, but burnt enough that everyone likes it.” – Chet, 10

That young man grasps the essence of cooking.

Today’s Slice question: Do relatives never ask you to say grace because they fear you would manage to turn it into a political rant?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email You are not the only one who says “turkicanus” because of “A Christmas Story.”

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