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Vote on levy funds

The school tax swap idea (“Inslee, McKenna differ on economic fixes,” Oct 14) is unnecessary and confusing. We fund our schools through local property tax levies and a statewide levy. The state levy funds are distributed to all school districts so those with small populations have good schools and aren’t overburdened by local levies.

If we must raise the state school levy, there’s a mechanism to do so. The state school levy budget is restricted to growing only 1 percent annually, like all regular levies, unless the voters approve a greater increase. Money being received in Olympia from this levy has fallen behind inflation and is only $2.35 per thousand assessed. The limit is $3.60.

To increase our state school levy, all we have to do is place it on a statewide ballot and approve an increase. We don’t have to completely change the system to some confusing swap scheme.

We must face facts when it comes to providing excellent schools for all of our children. Schools aren’t free but are fundamental to the purpose of our state government. The system isn’t broken; no fix is necessary. Perhaps a vote is.

Ralph Baker

Former Spokane County assessor


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