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Peace with terrorists?

The Spokesman-Review’s recent articles on the attempts by yet another naive American politician to establish a Mideast peace plan between Israelis and Palestinian Arabs begs the question: How does a democratic nation sign a deal with a disparate group of terrorists?

Given the inability and unwillingness of Arabs to recognize Israel’s right to exist, cease terrorism, elect true representatives intent on internal social and economic reforms, and reduce their welfare status dependent on European Union, United Nations, and U.S. handouts, the answer to the above question is obvious: Never. It can’t be done.

Our secretary of state is ignoring history and repeating U.S. failures. Instead, he should start with controlling Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, al-Qaida and the Taliban, to name a few impediments to peace and U.S. interests.

Most foreign policy experts agree that the Palestinian issue is a back-burner problem given the regional events of the past five years, and that any peaceful solution must come from within and not comfy, distant, external shores.

Joseph Harari


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