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Fagan overstepped

With Spokane City Councilman Mike Fagan’s remark calling Gov. Jay Inslee a “lying whore,” he is just asking for a demeaning article from Spokesman-Review columnist Doug Clark. Fagan has clearly overstepped his boundaries here. For Fagan to believe Inslee was lying about not vetoing tax increases is one thing he is entitled to, but to add calling him a “whore” is another.

While I commend Fagan for his conservative stand on being a pro-lifer and the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman, I do not condone this remark.

I personally met with Fagan at an event last month where I showed him a letter to the editor I wrote, and he asked that I email previous letters I have written. This I have done, but he is getting a copy of this letter sent to him as well.

Patrick Kirlin

Spokane Valley

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