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Tone-deaf cardinals

Unfortunately, the College of Cardinals, who will now select the next pope after the resignation of Benedict XVI, are composed mostly of like-minded elderly men, living in isolated splendor, who share his belief that theological purity is the key to reversing the fortunes of the church, which have been plummeting.

It is doubtful that they have learned anything from the recent electoral experiences of our own Republican Party. This promises to bode continuing ill for Catholic women, gay people of faith and parents of Catholic sons.

One of the 117 cardinals who will select a new pontiff is Cardinal Roger Mahony of the Los Angeles Archdiocese; the same Cardinal Mahony who has now been banned by Archbishop Jose Gomez from having any dealings with the public because of his past role in shielding and enabling predatory priests.

Why he still is allowed to have a vote defies, at the least, public relations common sense, and it will come as no surprise if the College of Cardinals, like the American Council of Bishops, persists in remaining pathologically tone-deaf.

Bill Leong


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