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The Slice: Retrieving memories of the lake

It’s after Columbus Day now, so perhaps it is about time to close the book on the summer of 2013.

But not before sharing one more at-the-lake adventure.

This comes courtesy of Carolyn Santantonio. Her family lives in Spokane, but they have a summer home at Deer Lake. That’s where our story takes place.

“The cabin was full of little nieces and nephews spending days on end splashing in the water and jumping off the end of the dock,” wrote Santantonio. “Added pleasure was provided by the sweetest golden retriever belonging to the neighbor next door. Each morning as soon as the children were in the water, they were immediately joined by the golden retriever.”

That’s certainly a happy scene. Frolicking kids and, as they put it in the movie “Shakespeare in Love,” a bit with a dog.

But please read on.

“One morning while I was cooking breakfast, I heard Justin (the 6-year-old) calling the dog.”

The boy called out, “Here Rabies! Here Rabies!”

Santantonio was understandably baffled. So she got the boy’s attention and asked why he was addressing the dog that way.

“Because that’s his name, Aunt Carol.”

Well, actually the dog’s name is Max.

But the kids had noticed something. “He has a necklace around his neck that says ‘Rabies,’ ” said Justin.

Oh. Instead of seeing it as a reflection of Max’s veterinary vaccination history, the kids thought that was a nametag.

“Here, Rabies! Here, Rabies!”

Apparently Max didn’t mind, though. He enjoyed playing with the children.

You know how dogs are. Just don’t call them late for supper.

If you don’t want to offend the brewer of an Octoberfest craft beer, you can always say …: A) “I’m sorry, you gave me a mug of solvent by mistake.” B) “Boy, that’s quite a taste.” C) “Well now, that’s a natural, zesty enterprise.” D) Other.

Warm-up question: Do you wish Spokane International Airport had a three-letter code other than GEG?

Today’s Slice question: Do most Inland Northwest barn cats have names?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; email Overheard: “This is Spokane. You can get away with jeans in any situation.”

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