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Snyder deserves votes

Vote for Jon Snyder, Spokane City Council 2nd District. Four years ago, I voted for then-candidate Snyder because I thought he would work hard to solve our most difficult issues: improving police accountability; making sure the city has the right tools to support small businesses; protecting our natural resources; and balancing the city’s budget. For the past four years, Snyder has worked to address each of these issues. He brings more energy and ideas to the table every week than some of his colleagues contribute in an entire year.

Snyder has run a successful small business and he has the energy and passion to work for all of us to make our community a better place. Snyder has proven that he deserves a second term on the council. That’s why I’m voting for Jon Snyder, 2nd District, Spokane City Council.

John Covert


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(509) 459-3815

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