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Huckleberries: For die-hard Seahawks fans, at least bandwagon noisy
Jimmy Farris has words for long-suffering Seattle Seahawks fans who resent Johnny-come-lately types climbing aboard their bandwagon. He feels your pain.
Jimmy? He’s the former Lewiston Bengal star who played for several NFL teams, collecting a Super Bowl ring with the New England Patriots. Also, he’s a Democrat who ran unsuccessfully for Idaho’s 1st Congressional District seat held by tea party congressman Raul Labrador.
Jimmy described true fans for Huckleberries as “just as passionate and excited about their team when they are 4-12 as they are when their team is 12-4. There are some true Seahawks fans (who) have suffered through some terrible years. (They) remember the old AFC West days, remember the real Curt Warner, Kenny Easley, Rick Mirer, the Kingdome – and have nightmares about Bo Jackson going 91 yards and trucking ‘the Boz.’ ”
However, before you die-hards throw all the neo-die-hards under the bandwagon, consider – you couldn’t break that Guinness noise record and befuddle the San Francisco 49ers without them.
Lost cause
Don’t look now, but the zealots who brought us the unsuccessful Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment-North Idaho in August are returning to their posts, ah, post from 11 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Saturday. They’ll try to get a quorum to the Interstate 90 overpass at Coeur d’Alene’s Northwest Boulevard after falling far short of their goal last time to man all overpasses from Post Falls to Wallace.
Their beef? The group’s Facebook wall urges “patriots” to “bring signs or banners which highlight any of the many justifications for impeachment including Benghazi dereliction of duty, IRS targeting of conservatives, DOJ targeting of the Associated Press, Syria, etc.”
The rest of us with complaints about the president – and what American doesn’t gripe about a president? – can simply wait for his term to run out, a prospect that has 99.999 percent better chance of happening than impeachment.
Poet’s Corner: “No class in math/like you or I,/yet see how well/they multiply” – The Bard of Sherman Avenue (“On a Flock of Pigeons”) … Spokane has an image problem, if a poll conducted by Huckleberries Online ( last week is an indication. Seventy-one percent of the respondents said they were wary of visiting sketchy downtown Spokane after dark … Bumpersnicker (on a red van waiting for the light at Third and Harrison last week): “Don’t worry about what people think, they don’t do it very often” … On my daily lunch walk, I pick up litter. Sometimes, I find discarded weird stuff, like that small tube of Testim 1% in the grassy boulevard in front of North Idaho Title – you know, testosterone gel. The mind races … Huckleberries hears that some of the Powers That Be in Coeur d’Alene want to see the old wood grandstands at Memorial Field replaced with a new brick grandstand that would bring the historic softball diamond a step closer to a field of dreams.
Parting shot
The 2013-14 PayScale College Salary report lit up social media in Idaho last week – the one that said University of Idaho graduates start with higher salaries and earn more midcareer than their Boise State counterparts. The report reveals that University of Idaho graduates average a beginning salary of $45,300 and average $82,700 at midcareer.
By contrast, Boise State graduates average a starting salary of $43,100 and are earning $67,000 average by midcareer. UIdaho is tied for 242nd among USA’s colleges, while Boise State ranks 648th. All of which prompted a BSU fan to post on Huckleberries Online: “I guess you need something when 0 and 12 (for the Vandal football team) is staring right in the eyes.” Priorities. Priorities.