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Stay in touch, millennials

In response to Paul Lee’s April 20 letter on Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers’ Millennial Meetup, I ask that he not give up on the political process. His vote to oust a member of Congress that doesn’t listen is crucial. In fact, I encourage him to vote in every election possible. It’s the only way we can make a difference in our country.

I moved to Spokane in 2010, have been to two of McMorris Rodgers’ town hall meetings, and have written many emails to her. I am convinced that all she spouts is the Republican Party line. She doesn’t listen to all of her constituents. She has wasted way too much time trying to defund the Affordable Care Act, and she needs to go.

Eastern Washington is changing, and we need representation in Washington, D.C., that reflects that change. Lee’s vote matters, and I urge him and other millennials to stay involved in the political process.

Patti Livingstone


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