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Comply with officers

I am having a hard time following the logic. We should have our police shot at, and possibly killed, before they are allowed to defend themselves? I happen to think that any individual who puts on a badge and goes out to patrol our streets is a special kind of person. That individual is willing to put his/her life on the line to defend and serve the community.

I am going to assume that the individual who wrote this letter to the editor has never been involved in law enforcement and has no idea of how dangerous the job can be. Instead of putting our police officers in harm’s way, how about we teach our citizens to behave in a law-abiding way and to respect our police.

If you get stopped by a police officer, you should do exactly what you are told to do. This is for your protection and for the police officer’s protection. Michael Brown would be alive today if he had followed that advice. A wise man once said, “Never judge another individual before you have walked a mile in their shoes.”

Dale Davis

Spokane Valley

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Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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