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Sharpen car coverage

I was pleased to see a more objective view on electric cars in the Dec. 16 Spokesman-Review article, “Electric cars aren’t so green, study finds.” The fact that this article was on page 8 of a weekday paper, while the article supporting electric cars was a weekend special section, reflects the bias the media has placed in what should be a public debate involving billions of taxpayer dollars.

The media are the public’s window to the truth. I personally do not want a repeat of the ethanol fuel debacle that wasted billions of public funds on projects with little benefit. An objective discourse requires objective coverage of the issues. If this takes place, the science, physics and the poor thermodynamics of electric cars will lead to the right public policy decisions and subsequent energy investments. Ones that make scientific sense, not electric cars as perpetual motion machines.

For this process to work, the media coverage has to be accurate and objective. You have a responsibility to do a better job.

Russ VanderWilde


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