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Billboards disgraceful

Thank you, Ron Reed, for presenting the true picture of wolves in your Dec. 13 column. Eastern and Gonzaga universities are honored by your courageous expression of the truth about wolves, even more than the great accomplishments of their football and basketball teams.

Where are the voices of our esteemed colleges and universities, whose mission is to seek and proclaim the truth? Unfortunately, corporate grants and subsidies seem to mean more to them than dedication to the truth – as their silence regarding wolves (and most other social and moral issues) so plainly implies.

The disgraceful Spokane billboards, which are intended to vilify wolves, maliciously distort the truth about these beautiful, magnificent and intelligent creatures, and serve only to reveal the ignorance, and the sadistic and ruthless character of their sponsors – nothing more.

These moral degenerates with their perverse propaganda will be held accountable to the moral injunction: “Those who do not value all of life are not worthy of themselves.”

Frederick Bardelli

Osburn, Idaho

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