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Best slate of candidates

If you haven’t had time to check out some of the new candidates running for positions in the upcoming primaries, I have. Here is what I have found and who I am supporting. Please consider checking these folks out for yourself.

They are all deeply committed to the Constitution and to America as one nation under God. Check out these candidates’ positions on the following issues: Second Amendment rights and gun control; Common Core curriculum; federal control of Idaho lands; Obama/Ottercare; right to life; and traditional marriage.

They are: for governor, Russ Fulcher; for lieutenant governor, Jim Chmelik; for secretary of state, Lawrence Denney; for state controller, Todd Hatfield; for superintendent of public instruction, John Eynon; for attorney general, Chris Troupis; for Legislative District 1-A, Heather Scott; for Legislative District 1-B, Sage Dixon; for Senate, Danielle Ahrens; for Bonner County commissioner, 1st District, Lee Pinkerton; and commissioner, 2nd District, Phil Sweet.

God bless America!

Rebecca Huseby

Bonners Ferry

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