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Huckleberries: Gone too soon and already dearly missed

Patrick Jacobs, Coeur d’Alene’s unofficial king of food, fashion and fun who died too young last Sunday, was a huge fan of former Coeur d’Alene Mayor Sandi Bloem. Her Sandiness, longtime owner of Johannes Jewelry in downtown Coeur d’Alene, was known for rocking outfits and bling while presiding over Coeur d’Alene City Council meetings and riding as a passenger on the back of a Harley-Davidson at the city’s Fourth of July Parade. I dug this mini-review of Sandi’s stylish taste by Patrick after a council meeting in February 2007: “One thing is for sure: Sandi Bloem is a hard-core fashionista. Did anybody catch her outfit at the 2/20 City Council meeting? I tuned into red-hot CDA Channel 19, and my jaw dropped when I saw her squeezed delicately into a shiny plastic grey-and-black leopard print jacket and wearing her usual amount of bling. Her trademark salt-and-pepper upswept hairdo was 10x more vicious than usual. She must have decided to go with an extra-fierce look for the evening since she had to charm everybody into helping her sneak that little $3 million Kroc doo-dad through the system.” The Kroc Center, of course, is a smashing success. And Patrick’s observations about life and personalities in Coeur d’Alene are already sorely missed.

Strike two

For the second time in four years, the Idaho GOP candidates’ bus tour is in hot water – ah, make that tepid water because nothing will be done about it – for stopping at a public school. Where, according to a memo from Republican schools Superintendent Tom Luna, they’re not allowed to campaign. This time the boys and girls on the bus stopped at Gooding’s North Valley Academy Charter School. On Friday, Oct. 24. Last time? Almost four years ago exactly, Gov. Otter, first lady Lori Otter, and Luna, among other political muckety-mucks, were ordered off the Lake City High grounds, prior to a home game between the Timberwolves and Sandpoint. Lake City High Principal Deanne Clifford told some of the most powerful people in the state to move their bus and signs off school property. You’d think a bunch of Elephants would remember something as embarrassing as that.


Poet’s Corner: “The ghouls and vampires now come out/and frightful creatures roam about,/but when you meet them you will note/some want your candy, some your vote” – The Bard of Sherman Avenue (“The Scary Season”) … Quotable Quote: “Just had to call my husband because I couldn’t remember my Social Security number. What do single folks do?” – Cindy Hval of the S-R’s Front Porch column … Quotable Quote 2: “I wonder if you outlaw marriage licenses (as state Sen. Steve Vick, R-Dalton Gardens, is considering as result of the gay marriage hubbub in Idaho) then only outlaws will have them?” – former Kootenai County Clerk Dan English … At best, Sherri Ybarra, the Republican candidate for Idaho superintendent of public instruction, exaggerated when she said she had earned a doctorate and recognition, twice, as educator of the year. Her fibs have made her the butt of jokes such as this one on the S-R’s website by commenter Kevin S. Wilson: “I was self-employed as a writer/editor for 11 years, and named ‘Employee of the Month’ a total of 132 times. Top that, Ms. Ybarra.” Ouch!

Parting shot

One of the last comments restaurant reviewer Patrick Jacobs made on my Huckleberries Online blog dealt with that taco incident at Harmony House assisted living in Hayden. Remember? It made national news. A resident was arrested for throwing a taco at a hired hand. Deadpanned Patrick: “Personally, I always use a Taco Time crisp pinto burrito to hit people with. The firmer surface provides a higher pain factor.” You left us laughing, Patrick.

Dave Oliveria blogs about North Idaho issues on his Huckleberries Online,

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