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Spokane is a death trap

I came back to the Spokane area in 1975, and the drivers in the area were very polite when it came to road manners. But the new population that has moved in since then is terrible. They cut you off. They have no manners on the road. They drive 55 mph in a 35 mph zone, and 35 mph in a 55 mph zone.

Now, since the snow is here, I have seen already that they do not know how to drive in winter weather. There were so many accidents before the snow, and now there are more already. I have been thinking about moving out of the area because it’s just too much to try and dodge the morons on the highway every day.

There is little police presence. It’s like throwing a bunch of marbles on the highway and where they go, so be it.

Yes, I think I’ll move out of the area as some of my friends have also said. This is an area that is turning into a death trap.

Jake Olmstead

Medical Lake

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