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Best option chosen

I am writing in response to George Clark’s letter (Sept. 21) as to what to do with the leaking chemical truck stopped at the state line.

Clark, of Deer Park, suggests that the truck containing highly volatile chemicals that might explode at any time should have been, for the safety of the general public, escorted to the remote regions of the wheat growing areas west of Spokane.

The quickest and shortest route to accomplish this would be through Spokane Valley, Spokane, Airway Heights and past Fairchild Air Force Base, all of which are generally speaking heavily populated.

It would have been quicker and shorter to escort the truck by back roads to the top of Mount Spokane or to the Deer Park area, both of which are lowly populated areas. If they had chosen Deer Park, Clark as an experienced chemical engineer could have volunteered his expertise.

The people in charge at the site chose the best containment option.

Lee Jorgensen

Reardan, Wash.

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