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Ramirez lacks honor
I can’t understand why The Spokesman-Review runs cartoons by Michael Ramirez of Investor’s Business Daily (a specialized newspaper) that are completely biased against President Obama and our government. Most of your contributors are from general-interest dailies that are fairly unbiased. I was particularly disgusted with the latest Ramirez offering, ridiculing our economic recovery and efforts to combat terrorism.
As Larry Winters (Sept. 27) pointed out, “no other country hurt by the Great Recession has emerged as strongly as we have.” And as President Obama reminds us, America has accepted the leadership role, backed by a strong coalition of nations, in fighting terrorists. When people are in trouble they don’t turn to China or Russia for help, but to the United States.
Why can’t Ramirez be proud of our country, as many of us are who served and risked their lives for that honor?
James Ramsey