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Baumgartner not moderate

I was shocked to read The Spokesman-Review editorial calling Sen. Michael Baumgartner a moderate.

As a mother and active volunteer in our public schools, I have seen firsthand the need for additional funding to help our kids achieve their dreams: college, technical or job-ready futures alike. Baumgartner was more interested in handing out special tax breaks to his corporate donors than taking a balanced approach to funding our kids’ schools. Additionally, would a moderate tell the Washington Supreme Court to go “pound sand” and introduce a bill to reduce the size of the Supreme Court, instead of working hard to address the court’s real and urgent concern: that our schools are ranked 47th out of 50 states in class size?

I remember when he paraded through downtown with a sledgehammer, promising to get to work if elected. While he may be good at pounding sand with the sledgehammer of extreme ideology, he’s no moderate, and the Spokesman is misleading voters by saying so.

I agree our district is moderate. His opponent, Rich Cowan, has local endorsements from across the political spectrum because we know he can bring people together to create jobs and find solutions to fund improvements in education.

Nikki Lockwood


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