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Go to bed sooner

A new study finds that kids are tired when they get to school. Wow, what a revelation that is. The suggested solution is to start school later. Are you kidding me?

Here’s an idea. Parents do your job! In case you are unaware, you are in charge of your house and kids, and that includes bedtime. I often wonder who’s in charge in many households – adults or kids?

Here’s a concept: If your child is tired in the morning, tell them to go to bed earlier. If you can’t get them to go bed earlier and get enough sleep, life has a way of figuring it out for them. Lack of sleep affects adults, too. You either deal with it or you don’t.

No wonder so many kids are not prepared for work or for life, for that matter. I guess there is an excuse for everything. What’s next; work starts too early? Maybe we should make it so you can go to work later if you’re tired. I’m sure business will go along with that one. It sounds to me like the wrong people are in charge of the what-do-we-do department, again.

Doug Bacon


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