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STA moving in right direction

It is time soon to cast your vote on the proposed long-term financing for improvements and growth of our wonderful Spokane Transit Authority.

With recent revelations that citizens in the Southwest and California are facing long-term problems with water resources, Spokane will, over the coming years, become a mecca for “water refugees.” Part of getting ready for what could be a very large influx of new residents is expanding transportation options.

A yes vote will incur a cost to you on purchases at the rate of 0.3 percent on discretionary purchases. That amounts to 30 cents extra out of pocket on your $100 purchase. This is a painless, hardly noticeable expense that will do a great deal of good for our growing region.

It is on a separate ballot measure to afford time to access external funds already available from federal funding. Please join me in supporting this measure and moving toward our future sustainability.

John Olsen


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999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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