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Child-support vote bizarre

Well, it’s official. Four North Idaho legislators are more afraid of Sharia law than they are concerned about Idaho’s children. By a 9-to-8 vote, a House committee killed a Senate-approved bill to bring Idaho into compliance with federal child support regulations. This vote will cost Idaho approximately $42 million, and effectively guts the child support system.

Reps. Heather Scott, Don Cheatham, Kathy Sims and Shannon McMillan were the legislators instrumental in this defeat of rationality. Scott said, “The bill would make Idaho bound to the laws of a foreign country.” Huh? Don Cheatham said, “We have $42 million coming to the state – it wasn’t worth risking our sovereignty to me.” Double huh?

The rejection of this bill could potentially make Idaho a haven for people trying to evade child support. “This is a bill of immense consequences to the state of Idaho,” said Minority Leader John Rusche, D-Lewiston.

The bill was unanimously approved by the Senate in February, so I have to ask: “What planet do those representatives live on?” There is a chance that clearer thinking people will convince the governor to call a special session of the Legislature to address this travesty, but I won’t hold my breath.

Gil Beyer


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