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Yes on Nine Mile Falls bond

I support the high school bond in the Nine Mile Falls School District. Our kids and community deserve a building that will serve our district better. The existing high school is a security nightmare, and is unsafe for our students and our district staff. The classrooms are very odd-shaped and very difficult for teaching.

The science classroom, yes, that is correct, classroom, is woefully inadequate to run experiments and labs that are a vital part of science. The way in which schools are operated today and kids are taught is far different from when we were in school. They will build this facility in a manner that will work today, and be flexible for the future.

There were plenty of mistakes made when the original building was completed, and they will not be made again. The district has taken great measures to get input from the community and has listened and incorporated those comments into the plan. Let’s trust them.

This is one tax where we know exactly what we are getting in return. We will see the results for years to come in the students. Please stand with me and vote yes.

Jeff Jurgensen

Nine Mile Falls

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