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Seniors can get good treatment

Regarding “Seniors get poor treatment” by Michael Genteman, Aug. 2:

In his statement, there are two statements that are absolutely true. The facilities are very costly, and yes, the prisoners do get everything for little or nothing.

My mother was in a facility in the last few years of her life. She had three wonderful meals a day (hot), her hygiene needs were always taken care of (if they only change a person once a day they should have been turned into the elder-care authorities), dental and medication costs are to be expected for the senior to take care of.

When my mother had a stroke and was dying, they were in her room every hour on the hour turning her in bed and making sure that her hygiene needs were taken care of. We couldn’t have asked for any better treatment than what our mother got.

Be sure and check out the facility you are wanting to place your loved one in; I am sure there are some that need to be reported to the health department.

Carleen Reilly


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