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Gas prices too high

Why are our gas retailers struggling to reflect current economic models? I was always taught that prices are a result of economic forces, chief among them being supply and demand. Our oil supply is way up and our prices remain much higher than the national average of $2.03.

Our taxes are only 14 cents per gallon more than Idaho’s, yet across the state line gas is selling for around $2.05 per gallon at some stations. Our pricing is around $2.25 per gallon. Someone is playing games at our expense.

Don’t give me the old and tired argument that refineries are down for maintenance, and no new ones have been built in decades. Who contributes millions to political campaigns and who gets there way every time that a new oil field needs to be drilled?

By the way, the answer to all questions are the major oil companies. Retailers make a spread between the delivered and taxed price and the posted retail price. I object that they are not concerned with their pricing.

I demand fair pricing models.

Bill Tibbits

Liberty Lake

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